Estate Planning

Assembling Your Own (Estate Planning) Team

Some of us may enjoy games like fantasy football that allow us to assemble our own star team with the players we think will provide the most value. While fantasy football is fun to participate in, have you thought about the importance of establishing your own dream team? Just like in fantasy football, each player [...]

2023-12-12T22:07:07+00:00Estate Planning, Taxes, Wills|

Top 3 Reasons You Need an Up-to-Date Estate Plan

Although we live in a world where information is easily accessible through the internet, there are still many misconceptions surrounding estate planning. Most of us do not dedicate our time to learning more about topics like estate planning, because we may not know that we need an estate plan or realize the benefits associated with [...]

2023-10-06T00:25:50+00:00Estate Planning|

Do Not Become a Statistic

Estate planning is important for everyone. It is about protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your hard-earned money (even if you do not have a lot of it). However, the numbers do not lie: most people do not see the importance of estate planning. Whether you need to create an estate plan or update an [...]

2023-10-06T00:14:53+00:00Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills|

Use National Self-Care Month To Care For Your Future

September is National Self-Care Awareness Month. The purpose of this observance is to raise awareness about the importance of regular self-care. What constitutes self-care can vary widely depending on who you are speaking to. Regardless of the exact definition, taking actions to prioritize self-care is essential to overall emotional and physical well-being and should be [...]

2023-09-09T00:31:59+00:00Estate Planning|

Hunger Action Month And Charitable Giving

September is recognized as Hunger Action Month, originally established by Feeding America in 2008. Hunger Action Month is an annual nationwide campaign that occurs each September to raise awareness about hunger in America and inspire action.[1] According to the USDA, more than 34 million people, including 9 million children, are food insecure. Food insecurity is [...]

Personal Guidance From Beyond The Grave

Life can get hectic for parents when the school year starts. Parents often juggle many different responsibilities, which increase with the number of children they have and activities the children participate in. Most parents feel like they need to be in five places at once! As a parent, you have likely pictured what your child’s [...]

2023-09-09T00:18:14+00:00Estate Planning|
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